Dear Dharma Brothers and Sister,
Amitofo! Lunar May 18 th (June 23th 2024) is True Buddha School (TBS) Root Guru
Living Buddha Lian-sheng birthday. We will joyously celebrate the 80th birthday of our
revered Lineage Root Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng. Kalachakra Buddha Association
sincerely dedicate our hearts and efforts to wish Guru Buddha a happy birthday, and
implore him to remain in the world for many more years to come!
TBS's initiative Activities: Participants will recite the Golden Mother Heart Mantra,
cultivation venues will host a feast offering to Golden Mother, and Vajra Masters will
preside over a Golden Mother homa or water offering ceremony, dedicating the merits to
Guru Buddha's health, well-being, endless blessings and longevity.
5/05 (Sun) – 2pm Golden Mother Water Offering Ceremony perform by Master Shi Lian Yang
5/19 (Sun) – 2pm Golden Mother Water Offering Ceremony perform by Master Shi Lian Yang
5/26 (Sun) – 2pm Golden Mother Water Offering Ceremony perform by Master Shi Lian Zhun
6/02 (Sun) – 2pm Golden Mother Water Offering Ceremony perform by Master Shi Lian Zhun
6/08 (Sat) – 12pm Feast Offering to Golden Mother perform by Master Shi Lian Zhun and
Master Shi Lian Yang
6/09 (Sun) – 2pm Golden Mother Water Offering Ceremony perform by Master Shi Lian Yang
6/16 (Sun) – 2pm Golden Mother Water Offering Ceremony perform by Master Shi Lian Zhun
Recite the Golden Mother Heart Mantra. When completed 1000 times
register your name to https://ch.tbsn.org/event/birthday80?new
Kalachakra Buddha Association Board Members.