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Dear Dharma Brothers and Sister,

Amitofo! Lunar May 18 th (June 23th 2024) is True Buddha School (TBS) Root Guru
Living Buddha Lian-sheng birthday. We will joyously celebrate the 80th birthday of our
revered Lineage Root Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng. Kalachakra Buddha Association
sincerely dedicate our hearts and efforts to wish Guru Buddha a happy birthday, and
implore him to remain in the world for many more years to come!
TBS's initiative Activities: Participants will recite the Golden Mother Heart Mantra,
cultivation venues will host a feast offering to Golden Mother, and Vajra Masters will
preside over a Golden Mother homa or water offering ceremony, dedicating the merits to
Guru Buddha's health, well-being, endless blessings and longevity.
5/05 (Sun) – 2pm Golden Mother Water Offering Ceremony perform by Master Shi Lian Yang
5/19 (Sun) – 2pm Golden Mother Water Offering Ceremony perform by Master Shi Lian Yang
5/26 (Sun) – 2pm Golden Mother Water Offering Ceremony perform by Master Shi Lian Zhun
6/02 (Sun) – 2pm Golden Mother Water Offering Ceremony perform by Master Shi Lian Zhun
6/08 (Sat) – 12pm Feast Offering to Golden Mother perform by Master Shi Lian Zhun and

Master Shi Lian Yang

6/09 (Sun) – 2pm Golden Mother Water Offering Ceremony perform by Master Shi Lian Yang
6/16 (Sun) – 2pm Golden Mother Water Offering Ceremony perform by Master Shi Lian Zhun

Recite the Golden Mother Heart Mantra. When completed 1000 times
register your name to

Kalachakra Buddha Association Board Members.

Tuesday ~ Sunday 11:00 AM ─ 5:00PM

Thực hành Pháp / Thiền(sunday)

  2:00 PM ─ 5:00PM

Contact us :

Add : 3004 W Audie Murphy Parkway,

         Farmersville,Tx 75442


Tel:  +1 (972) 782─7587

Fax: +1 (972) 782-7656






1. 佛像開光及安設壇城

2. 風水擇日    

3. 人生咨詢(問事)

4. 臨終關懷助唸

5. 求簽解惑

6. 助印經書

7. 太歲燈/光明燈

8. 消災延壽藥師佛燈

9. 地藏殿提供

 -- 纳骨塔

 -- 歷代祖先牌位

 -- 怨親債主、纏身靈牌位

 -- 水子靈牌位


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