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Medicine Buddha Lamp for Disaster Relief and Longevity


Miwa Raizoji Temple launches year-round lighting in 2024
"Medicine Buddha Lamp to Eliminate Disasters and Extend Life" registration event,
Believers are welcome to participate!

Medicine Master Lazuli Light King Tathagata is a great medical king. When he was practicing the Bodhisattva path, he made 12 great vows, all of which are to enable us to live peacefully in this world, relieve suffering, have physical and mental peace, increase blessings and extend life, eliminate all difficulties, and make people happy. Happiness, removal of obstacles on the path to spiritual practice, etc.

Health is the most important expectation of all living beings in life, and because everyone has different innate or acquired conditions and environments, it is often impossible to achieve a healthy body, so you can seek help from Medicine Master Buddha.

Offering lamps in front of the Medicine Buddha, with the help of His great mercy and boundless light, illuminates the world that we cannot see with the naked eye, burns away the sins of all sentient beings, and removes obstacles and evil spirits.

You can also use the merits of offering lamps to wish Medicine Buddha a birthday or bring blessings to yourself, and increase the blessings and wisdom of the person offering lamps. I pray that with the protection and blessing of Medicine Buddha, I will be able to cure diseases, eliminate disasters and prolong life, and that all my wishes will come true and we will have a bright future.

We welcome everyone who is predestined to light a Medicine Buddha Lamp for yourself and your family to ward off disasters and prolong life. This can enhance your merits and blessings, and the Buddha’s light will shine upon all believers to bring them good health, longevity and good fortune!



請填寫姓名、地址、 Email、年歲即可。

若須詳情請洽 : 三輪雷藏寺

地址:3004 W., Audie Murphy parkway Farmersville, TX 75442

電話:972-782-7587 Fax: 972-782-7656


Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 AM ─ 5:00PM

Sunday Activities   

2:00 PM ─ 5:00PM

Contact information


Address: 3004 W Audie Murphy Parkway,  Farmersville,Tx 75442


Phone: +1 (972) 782─7587


Fax : +1 (972) 883-7360





1. 佛像開光及安設壇城

2. 風水擇日    

3. 人生咨詢(問事)

4. 臨終關懷助唸

5. 求簽解惑

6. 助印經書

7. 太歲燈/光明燈

8. 消災延壽藥師佛燈

9. 地藏殿提供

 -- 纳骨塔

 -- 歷代祖先牌位

 -- 怨親債主、纏身靈牌位

 -- 水子靈牌位


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