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Blurry Drops

Make offerings to Shui Zi Ling







1. 佛像開光及安設壇城

2. 風水擇日    

3. 人生咨詢

4. 臨終關懷助唸

5. 求簽解惑

6. 助印經書

7. 太歲燈/光明燈

8. 消災延壽藥師佛燈


 -- 纳骨塔

 -- 歷代祖先牌位

 -- 怨親債主、纏身靈牌位

 -- 水子靈牌位

Shuizi Lingyuan Hall is an independent hall located to the left and rear of the Main Hall. On the adjacent hillside, there is a towering and majestic pagoda. The inner altar of Shuizi Lingyuan Hall enshrines many golden statues of the White Lotus Boy, Amitabha Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Mahasthamaprapta Buddha Mother, Maitreya Bodhisattva, Galan Venerable, Vairocana Bodhisattva, Nezha the Third Prince, Tudigong/Tudigongpo, etc. The Buddha's light shines everywhere, and all virtues are returned. On the wall is a picture of a hundred children playing and having fun. In view of the fact that men and women nowadays often neglect life and are ignorant, causing abortions and killing of lives, Lama Lianzhen and Lama Lianyang of Sanlun Leizang Temple have made a vow to save and resolve the resentment of the infant souls and to teach the parents who have aborted their babies to repent.

Therefore, the "Shuizi Spiritual Garden Hall" was built with the hope that the many wandering Shuizi souls would no longer wander and their souls would not be lost. It would also provide a place where they could enhance their spiritual wisdom and settle down, and at the same time, it would also help Parents in this world, cherish life, confess your sins and resolve grievances, and do not be disturbed.

There are many disasters in life, many adversities, many troubles, many sufferings... Why so many? How many people can answer my question? Why so many? In "The Manifestation of Hell" in the 187th volume of the anthology of Living Buddha Lotus Sheng-yen Lu, Pluto said: "People in the world are ignorant and have abortions at will without cherishing the life of the fetus. They rely on their own preferences or excuses and do not bear the responsibility of procreation. I now make you and others dependent on you. Take the opportunity to take back your parents’ lives.”

Abortion is killing a life. It has to be born. If you have an abortion, it will become an obstacle to yourself. Sometimes it is a physical obstacle, which will cause a lot of troubles.

Therefore, parents who have a water child spirit and have had an abortion should enshrine the water child spirit tablet, which means that you have repented to the water child spirit that you had an abortion. It is the same as worshiping an enemy and a creditor.

Because they have received your offerings, homage and confession, they will let go of their resentment and will be able to be reborn in the Pure Land of Buddha in the future, or reincarnate in a better place. This has the meaning of offerings, homage and confession, so all your obstacles will be removed and the karma you are about to create will be eliminated.

If you don't provide for him, troubles and physical obstacles will arise.

Everyone is welcome to enshrine Shuizi’s spiritual tablet!

Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 AM ─ 5:00PM

Sunday Activities   

2:00 PM ─ 5:00PM

Contact information


Address: 3004 W Audie Murphy Parkway,  Farmersville,Tx 75442


Phone: +1 (972) 782─7587


Fax : +1 (972) 883-7360





1. 佛像開光及安設壇城

2. 風水擇日    

3. 人生咨詢(問事)

4. 臨終關懷助唸

5. 求簽解惑

6. 助印經書

7. 太歲燈/光明燈

8. 消災延壽藥師佛燈

9. 地藏殿提供

 -- 纳骨塔

 -- 歷代祖先牌位

 -- 怨親債主、纏身靈牌位

 -- 水子靈牌位


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