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Blue Skies
Guru's Correspondence Dharma Practice Course

 Sound  Ming

To practice the "True Buddha Tantric Dharma", you must first take refuge and receive empowerment. Only in this way can the cause and conditions be met and you can officially start. Otherwise, it will be regarded as stealing the Dharma, and you will bear all the consequences.


Anyone who wishes to engage in any practice must first take refuge and receive empowerment from Living Buddha Lian-sheng or authorized True Buddha Masters.

  In 2017, Master Shi Lianyang lectured on the practice rituals of the fundamental lineage master Lotus Boy Guru’s correspondence method at Sanlun Leizang Temple. The course lasted for 6 weeks and left a deep impression on everyone. We will record it. The courses are organized as follows.

First of all, we must bow down and thank our root guru, Living Buddha Lian-sheng, for his compassion and selfless teachings. He practiced and verified the Dharma taught by the ancestors and achieved Buddhahood. His Holiness selflessly compiled the entire process of practice into a set of True Buddha Secret Dharma rituals, so that all his disciples can practice according to this Dharma lineage, step by step, and achieve the ultimate Buddhahood.

We are grateful to Master Shi Lianyang for his hard work and careful teaching of Master's Dharma and personal practice experience to everyone, leading everyone step by step to respect the teacher, respect the Dharma, and practice practice, and also help in this way Everyone understands more clearly that Master Lianyang said: "As long as you follow the tantric teachings passed down by the fundamental master, Lotus Living Buddha, practice slowly and experience it carefully, you will achieve great achievements."

I wish you all the best to arouse bodhicitta, realize the path of bodhi, and achieve the fruit of bodhi as soon as possible. Hum!


Guru's Correspondence Dharma Cultivation Course (1)



The course on the corresponding Dharma practice for the guru (VII)

Guru's Correspondence Dharma Cultivation Course (2)

Guru's Correspondence Dharma Cultivation Course (4)

Guru's Correspondence Dharma Cultivation Course (6

Guru's Correspondence Dharma Cultivation Course (8)

Visualization Video: Void Lineage Dharma Stream Initiation
Visualization Video: True Offering Mandala Practice
Visualization Video: Manjusri’s Method of Transcendence and Rebirth
Visualization Video: Four Infinite Mind Meditations
Visualization Video: Wearing Armor and Protecting Your Body
Visualization Video: Nine Sections of Buddhist Style
Visualization video: Visualize while holding the rosary beads
Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 AM ─ 5:00PM

Sunday Activities   

2:00 PM ─ 5:00PM

Contact information


Address: 3004 W Audie Murphy Parkway,  Farmersville,Tx 75442


Phone: +1 (972) 782─7587


Fax : +1 (972) 883-7360





1. 佛像開光及安設壇城

2. 風水擇日    

3. 人生咨詢(問事)

4. 臨終關懷助唸

5. 求簽解惑

6. 助印經書

7. 太歲燈/光明燈

8. 消災延壽藥師佛燈

9. 地藏殿提供

 -- 纳骨塔

 -- 歷代祖先牌位

 -- 怨親債主、纏身靈牌位

 -- 水子靈牌位


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