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Luminance Light


Kalachakra Buddha Association will be performing light up Luminance Light

What is the meaning of light up Luminance light? What is the intention? What is the merit? How to light up Luminance light?

In Sakyamuni Buddha legendary story – Once upon a time, there was a poor orphan girl named Nanda, always attend in the temple to listen to Buddha mantra. She saw most of the people came to temple with expensive clothes and items to offer the Buddha but yet she has to beg for a living and couldn’t afford anything to offer the Buddha and she is very sad about it.

One day, Nanda begged old clothing in exchange for a penny. By using this penny, Nanda bought an oil lamp to offer the Buddha. She was very sincerely bow to the Buddha, light up the oil lamp in front of the Buddha and make a wish said “May this light removed all my darkness spirit, removed all my sins and have great wisdom. Great Buddha! Please empower me the blessing”. Beside Nanda, they are also many people offered oil lamp in front of the Buddha to wish for a bright future.

The next day, the monk used the fan to extinguish all the lights in the temple, except Nanda’s light no matter how hard the monk tried to use his fan to blow off the light, it would not extinguish. The monk was curious and asked Sakyamuni Buddha. Sakyamuni Buddha told him you would not be able to extinguish this light with your fan. Even though flooding or wind storm still would not be able to extinguish this light because Nanda’s light was light up with her heart and sincerity for merit. Other lights holders were aimed for self-reasons that are why those lights were extinguish faster.

Later when Nanda came to the temple, Sakyamuni Buddha gave her his blessing and said “Nanda because you offered this light, you been granted with great wisdom. In the future, you will become Buddha”

Based on this story, we understand the merit by offering Luminance light. Luminance light also represents wisdom. By lighting up the Luminance light, you will receive Buddha blessing and increase your merit.

Kalachakra Buddha Association lamas will be doing daily incense praying, bowing and reading mantra and etc for all the lights registers. Help registers reduce stress and sickness and eliminate family career and human relation issues. Wish all the registers good luck, great success, healthy and prosperity.

Luminance light registration is only once a year and it will stay for the whole year, this is especially important for people who are sick to register for a better year.

Fees: Depends on your generosity

Registration Type: In Person, Fax, Mail or by phone.

Registration Requirement: Name, Address, Email and Age.







1. 佛像開光及安設壇城

2. 風水擇日    

3. 人生咨詢

4. 臨終關懷助唸

5. 求簽解惑

6. 助印經書

7. 太歲燈/光明燈

8. 消災延壽藥師佛燈

9. 地藏殿提供

 -- 纳骨塔

 -- 歷代祖先牌位

 -- 怨親債主、纏身靈牌位

 -- 水子靈牌位

Luminance light registration is only once a year and it will stay for the whole year, this is especially important for people who are sick to register for a better year.

Fees: Depends on your generosity

Registration Type: In Person, Fax, Mail or by phone.

Registration Requirement: Name, Address, Email and Age.


3004 W., Audie Murphy Parkway Farmersville, TX 75442

Phone: 972-782-7587 Fax: 972-782-7656



Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 AM ─ 5:00PM

Sunday Activities   

2:00 PM ─ 5:00PM

Contact information


Address: 3004 W Audie Murphy Parkway,  Farmersville,Tx 75442


Phone: +1 (972) 782─7587


Fax : +1 (972) 883-7360





1. 佛像開光及安設壇城

2. 風水擇日    

3. 人生咨詢(問事)

4. 臨終關懷助唸

5. 求簽解惑

6. 助印經書

7. 太歲燈/光明燈

8. 消災延壽藥師佛燈

9. 地藏殿提供

 -- 纳骨塔

 -- 歷代祖先牌位

 -- 怨親債主、纏身靈牌位

 -- 水子靈牌位


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